The Inheritance Games series

All you need to know about


Author : Jennifer Lynn Barnes  

This is the story of a regular teenager, trying to survive high school and her complicated family when one day, her unexpected inheritance makes her future extremely unstable, her problems much bigger and her life shockingly dangerous. 
Allow me to explain. 
Avery Kylie Grambs was pretty much a nobody. Recovering from her mother's recent demise, Avery lived with her sister, studied at the local high school and was counting down to the days she would graduate and go to college and finally begin her life. 
But when Avery learns that she has been invited to the reading of the late Tobias Hawthorne's will, she is understandably perplexed. She has never heard the man's name in her life, so why on earth would he bequeath anything to her? But for a girl who barely had two pennies to rub together, this inheritance might help with her college plans, so who was she to complain?
But Tobias Hawthorne was no ordinary man. The richest man in Texas, and possibly one of the richest men in the world, his wealth was not the only thing he was known for. And even after death, it seemed as if the old man had one final trick up his sleeve. And this might just be his greatest plan yet. And things finally come to light at the reading of his will.
Tobias Hawthorne had pretty much disinherited his entire family, bequeathing them bare scraps of his fortune. Almost all of his wealth had been bequeathed to Avery. 
As this daring move had the whole world gasping in shock, Avery's life had just been upturned. She was now rich beyond her wild dreams, but also in more danger than she had ever been in her life.
Money was power, and men would kill for power. 
And if the added danger, the intense scrutiny of the media, other power players and the disdain of the whole world that a mere teenager was now one of the most powerful and influential people in the world weren't enough, Avery also had other pressing issues to deal with.
Tobias Hawthorne had four grandsons, four dangerous, magnetic and absolutely brilliant boys who had grown up with the belief that they would be the heirs of their grandfather's empire. Four boys who had grown up trained and honed to perfection under Tobias Hawthorne's watchful care. Four boys, who did not appreciate the fact that a young girl had pretty much swiped their entire lives' purpose from under their noses. 
But Avery wasn't going to give in without a fight. According to the terms of the will, Avery must reside in Hawthorne Mansion for a year until the agreement is sealed and the fortune becomes hers. But there were powerful sources at play, people who would do anything to keep her from getting it. And it might be people who she was probably living with.
On top of all this is the million-dollar question, why had Tobias Hawthorne chosen her? Why not his grandsons, who had been preparing for this their whole lives? Why not anybody else? Why her?
And it looks like all the answers will be revealed, only if Avery decides to play.
Thus ensues a magnificent game, as Avery attempts to gain allies and compete in the show orchestrated by Tobias Hawthorne. Secrets will be revealed, relationships tested and plans sketched, and in the end, the truth will be nothing they had expected. 
The old man was notorious for his games. And Avery was playing to win. She had to.
Because there was nothing more Hawthorne than winning.

  • The Inheritance Games
  • The Hawthorne Legacy
  • The Final Gambit
  • The Brothers Hawthorne (yet to be published)
The last book of the trilogy, The Final Gambit, was released on 30 August 2022. A few months later, Barnes announced that she will be writing a new book, The Brother Hawthorne, as a sequel to the series. This book will be centred around the Hawthrone brothers and take the spotlight away from Avery. She also announced that the book, though it happens after The Final Gambit, doesn't necessarily act as a follow-up to the series, and can be read even without reading the original trilogy. 
The book is expected to be published on 29 August 2023. The book cover and plot have already been released. 

My Comments 

While my preferred genre is fantasy fiction, I was definitely attempting to try something new when I started reading the Inheritance Games. The story was unlike anything I had tried before, and I was, to some extent, apprehensive when I started. But within a few chapters, I was completely engaged in the complexity of the plot. The banter was quite entertaining, the characters had layers of depth, and I especially enjoyed the convoluted games that were set into motion. As I read the book, I vividly remember thinking that the entire plot was like a chessboard, the characters were the chess pieces, played around the board by the grandmaster, Tobias Hawthorne. I think he was the character I enjoyed the most, even though we never really see him in the book, he somehow managed to manipulate everyone and everything even after death. He probably wasn't my favourite character, but he was the character who fascinated me the most.
And that's how the books were, as well. They were like an epic chess match, it all felt like a game. A game with incredibly high stakes, yes, but just a really convoluted game. And I enjoyed every second of it. The plot kept me on my toes, and by the time I was finished, it took me several moments to just process what had happened. 
All in all, I would say that the Inheritance Games is a series that is truly worth reading. I honestly can't wait to get my hands on the upcoming book. 
Appropriate for readers aged 13 to 18, this series is definitely your cup of tea. 


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