The Magnus Chase series

All you need to know about


Author : Rick Riordan

Magnus Chase's sixteenth birthday was the most weirdest birthday he had had so far‌‌. In fact, his past birthdays have not been the best in his memory, because they had all been celebrated on the streets of Boston for the past two years, ever since his mother, Natalie's death. Magnus had been living on the streets ever since, and had not expected this birthday to be any different from the rest of the days. He was fairly certain that today was going to be uneventful, just a regular day for a regular homeless guy.
Boy, was he wrong.
His day started going downhill from the moment he woke up. His friend, Blitz, kicked him awake and casually informed him that two people, a middle aged man and his daughter were handing out flyers with his name and picture. Uh oh. 
When Magnus ventured to see who were the mystery people who were supposedly searching for him, he found out that it was his uncle Frederick and his cousin, *drum roll* Annabeth Chase, who he hadn't seen for ten years. 
Then, as a visit (break in) to his uncle Randolph's resulted in Magnus finding out that he is the son of a Norse god and that makes him the primary target of an unnamed but extremely formidable enemy, Randolph further reveals that in order to hold his own against this rival, he must retrieve Sumarbrander, the legendary Sword of Summer, which is hidden in Boston Harbor.
Which was precisely when things went terribly wrong.
Surt, a fire giant appears and as Magnus tries to protect the civilians from harm, he wounds the giant and hurls both of them off the bridge. Magnus dies on impact.
The End.
wellllllll, actually, no. Magnus is then rescued by a Valkyrie named Sam and awakes to find himself at Hotel Valhalla as an einherjar and he is told that he will spend the rest of eternity training for Ragnarok. 
Then, as Magnus is revealed to be a son of Frey and a prophecy that does NOT bode good for him is delivered, Magnus must retrieve the Sword of Summer from the ocean and must rebind Fenris Wolf, and ultimately prevent Ragnarok from happening by stopping the malicious god Loki, once and for all.


  • The Sword of Summer
  • The Hammer of Thor
  • The Ship of the Dead
The Magnus Chase series occurs approximately around the same time as the Trials of Apollo series, either a few months before or after. The Ship of the dead, book three of the Magnus Chase series, happens during The Tyrant's Tomb, book four of the Trials of Apollo series. Though the Magnus Chase series is not of the same mythology as that of the Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus and Trials of Apollo series, Percy and Annabeth make small cameos through out the series. The Ship of the Dead,  book three of the series was released on 3rd October 2017, which makes the Tower of Nero (last installment of Trials of Apollo) the final book of the Percy Jackson universe.

My Comments

The Magnus Chase series is truly exceptional and Riordan's hilarious way of narrating the story attracts a great number of avid readers.  The characters are diverse and interesting to read about and the plot line was gripping and catchy. Characters like Magnus and Sam immediately captured our hearts as we read about their adventures facing the temperamental gods of Norse mythology and the horrendous monsters that they defeated. Though it was disheartening at first when I realized that most of the characters of the Greek mythological world who I had grown to love will not be making an appearance, I was soon entranced by the new characters who were just as amazing as the characters I had encountered before. So, the die-hard Percy Jackson fans need not hesitate to start this marvelous series! Recommended for all ages above ten, the Magnus and Sam's incredible exploits are sure to steal your breath away over the pages.  


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